If I was fortunate enough to be able to film a documentary, my focus would be on the soldiers, particularly women soldiers, coming back from Iraq. My primary focus would be on post traumatic stress syndrome and how the soldiers are dealing with this on the home front. In addition, I would ask them if the PTSD diagnosis was covered by their medical insurance or was it described as a "pre-existing condition." Furthermore, I would include their transition from a war torn Iraq to that of a civilian including their role as mother and their role in the workforce. One follow up question would be what struggles have they had in this re-assimilation process. Another question I would ask is how can we as a society and government do a better job in assuring that soldiers are taken care of when they come home. Essentially what services are they not getting. I would also find it beneficial to interview these women's families and asking them how this has affected them and how their parent/spouse/sister/child has changed or not changed because of this experience. I would also like to interview specific doctors who have had the chance to work with these soldiers and the effects that they are seeing from a medical perspective.
I think that some of the problems I would be faced with are women who feel comfortable enough in talking about these issues, and comfortable enough to be extremely honest about their situations. Overall, I feel this would be an exciting endeavor that would hopefully have us as a nation questioning our role in helping soldiers combat the war zone and whether or not we need to re-evaluate it's overall effectiveness.