Monday, October 15, 2007

To Blog or not to Blog...You Decide

As an educator, many times we need to make sure that what we are doing in the classroom has educational merit. As an English teacher, I believe that blogging serves as a very useful tool for my students. Wesley Fryer knows educational technology, particularly blogs and podcasts. For those students, parents, and others who are not sure if this technology makes sense, watch the following video.

For more educational insight on this topic, please check out Wesley Fryer's website which was voted best Learning Theory Blog for 2006:

1 comment:

Petra said...

I am definitely going to share this with some colleagues... One of the most significant comments in that website was how they summarized all the tasks they do in a day and how it totals probably 3 hours more than a 24 hour day... Also how much reading and writing is being done outside of internet, compared to in it.

I have noticed that simply by being familiar with some of the technologies they are using (whether or not I use them in class) helps me in communicating with students. So many teachers and parents aren't literate past email and a simple web search.