Sunday, September 16, 2007

Heinrich Himmler reveals the truth about the holocaust

This video-clip is never before seen footage of a "secret" tape recorded by the second most powerful man during the Nazi regime; Henrich Himmler. He speaks very openly and candidly about the weapon factories, extermination of the Jews, and the importance of doing so to protect Germany. If I was to have students analyze this clip, I would first have them look at the way in which the recording and the written script are portrayed. We here Himmler's voice and see two languages scrolling on the screen; one in German and the other in English. I would ask them why do you think the video director chose this medium to present this footage. I would also have them analyze whether or not they felt it was effective. I personally thought that this technique was very effective because it made it feel very real. Some follow-up questions that students could discuss are again this theme of morality, what does it take to actually follow through with this demand, as well as whether or not they think that the SS soldiers were brainwashed into believing that they were doing this for the common good of the people or out of fear.

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